
As we consider that our true purpose in life, is to know God and to make Him known, it might bring us to the conclusion that we are not living our life in its full intention.

Sometimes, we allow life to get the best of us, rather than intentionally directing every circumstance to our true purpose. When this happens, it might trigger our responses in everyday struggles to get us down and defeated instead of exercising the self-control that is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. 

After allowing these automatic responses to guide our day, we might feel defeated and powerless. We incorrectly conclude that this is simply who we are! Nothing could be further from the truth!  

As a child of God, a dramatic transformation occurred the moment we trusted Christ as our Lord! Every follower of Jesus has been transferred from darkness to light! We are justified which means “made right with God” and the life of Christ lives within us!! We are now united with Christ and are one with Him in Spirit! 

Not knowing or understanding these truths will prevent us from living a victorious, generous and intentional life. Ask yourself today: am I truly transformed even if I don’t “feel” transformed? As you meditate on this, you will realize the truth of Christ is true whether you feel it or not! Jesus said, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free!”

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for transforming me, I want to reflect Your life each day. I choose You, I choose to believe You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
